Sedation Dentistry Morgan Hill, CA
Are you, your friends, or your family members avoiding necessary dental care for fear that the experience will be unpleasant, painful, or distressing?
For some adults, a traumatic experience in childhood set the stage for a lifetime of avoidance. Others have been influenced by stereotypes in the news media or popular culture, while still others simply are not aware of the significant strides that have been made in providing stress-free dental care.
Without help, these individuals face incidence of severe pain, the threat of serious infection, as well as grave danger to their overall health and well-being.
Dental sedation is a technique that can be used when a patient suffers from dental anxiety or dental phobia. Depending on the extent of the anxiety or phobia, varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized.
Dental Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) provided by Dr. Huang from Morgan Hill CA, who is ACLS certified (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support), has already helped many anxious patients get the dental care they need while in a state of comfort and relaxation.
Additionally, the entire staff at Santa Teresa Dental is highly sensitive to the needs of fearful patients.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Am I a candidate and what types of treatment can I receive under sedation?
- Do procedures take longer?
- What if I am extremely fearful? Are there different types or levels of sedation?
- What is laughing gas?
- How safe is sedation dentistry? Are there any side effects?
- Should I be concerned about drug interactions? And is it covered by my insurance?