Does Getting a Dental Filling Hurt?

Dental Fillings

If you’ve got a painful tooth, don’t ignore it. You may have a cavity requiring a dental filling. At Santa Teresa Dental, we recognize that some of our valued patients are anxious about getting the dental care they need. We are committed to ensuring you are comfortable and free of stress while receiving the exceptional care you deserve. 

Tooth-Colored Fillings – An Overview

At Santa Teresa Dental, we offer tooth-colored, composite resin dental fillings. Composites were created as an aesthetic alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. They are closely matched to the color and texture of your natural tooth enamel for seamless results. Composite fillings are strong and durable, delivering beautifully natural-looking smiles. 

Will Getting a Dental Filling Hurt?

The short answer is no. Getting a dental filling is a routine procedure that is relatively comfortable. We will numb the area around the affected tooth with a local anesthetic before removing the decayed tooth structure, so you should feel no pain during the procedure. The injection may sting or pinch a little, similar to a regular shot, but it will be over before you know it. 

What Happens If You Don’t Get a Cavity Filled?

If not treated, tooth decay can progress deeper into the tooth, potentially reaching the inner pulp, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. That can result in many complications, including severe pain, the decay spreading to neighboring teeth, or an abscess, which can damage the bone around the affected tooth’s roots. Worse yet, the infection can enter the bloodstream, posing a risk to your overall health.

Treating an infected tooth will require more invasive and costly procedures than a simple filling. You may require a root canal treatment or may even need to have the affected tooth extracted. If a tooth cannot be saved, we may recommend a replacement, such as a dental bridge or implant, to prevent complications from leaving a gap in your smile. 

How Can You Lower the Risk of Cavities? 

Prevention is the key to keeping tooth decay and cavities at bay. Make sure to practice good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing. It’s also important to limit the consumption of sugary, acidic, starchy, or sticky foods to lower the risk of tooth decay. 

Another way to prevent cavities is to keep up with your regular dental exams and cleanings. Our team at Santa Teresa Dental will monitor your oral health to ensure any condition is addressed right away. If we uncover any signs of decay, we will recommend prompt treatment to restore your healthy smile. Regular dental visits have been shown to significantly lower the risk of tooth decay and other dental problems, including gum disease, bad breath, and more. 

Dental fillings offer a conservative solution to restore a decayed tooth and prevent further damage to your tooth structure. By treating cavities promptly, you will spare yourself having to deal with pain, discomfort, and the expense associated with untreated tooth decay. 

Dental Fillings Near Me

If you haven’t seen a dentist in the past six months, we invite you to contact Santa Teresa Dental in Morgan Hill, CA, to schedule a dental exam and cleaning. Dr. Huang and his team are proponents of prevention to maintain healthy smiles for a lifetime. If you require a tooth filling, you can count on us for exceptional, gentle care. Call us at 408-782-6568 to schedule your appointment, or request one online today!