What Are My Options for Replacing Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth

At Santa Teresa Dental, we understand the challenges and oral health complications that come with losing one or more of your teeth. We are pleased to offer a range of tooth replacement options to get you back in a healthy, confident smile. Our skilled and experienced team will recommend the restoration that’s right for you based on your needs and personal preferences. 

Partial and Complete Dentures – A Time-Tested Tooth Replacement Solution

Partial and complete dentures offer a cost-effective tooth replacement solution that has withstood the test of time. 

Partial Dentures: Removable partial dentures replace one or more teeth in the upper or lower jaw. They come with gum-colored bases and natural-looking replacement teeth. Unlike traditional partials that attach to your natural teeth using metal attachments, Santa Teresa Dental is proud to offer Valplast dentures, which come with discreet attachments that match your gums. Our partial dentures are lighter in weight, making them more comfortable. 

Complete Dentures: Just like partial dentures, complete dentures come with prosthetic teeth attached to gum-colored bases. The difference is they replace one or both full arches of missing teeth. Today’s modern restorations are nothing like those of the past. They are sleeker, lighter, more functional, and more natural-looking than ever, enhancing your smile and quality of life.  

Dental Implant Restorations – The Gold Standard for Replacing Missing Teeth

Dental implants are tiny, screw-shaped titanium posts that we place in your jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. They integrate with the bone during healing, providing a secure and stable foundation to support implant restorations made to match your smile. Dental implants are the only teeth replacements that act like natural tooth roots, stimulating the bone and preventing bone loss in the area. 

At Santa Teresa Dental, we offer single-tooth implants, implant-supported bridges, implant-supported dentures, and implant-supported fixed hybrid dentures. 

Single-Tooth Implants: A single implant restoration is used to replace a single tooth. It consists of a dental implant placed on a dental crown, leaving you with a complete, confident smile. 

Implant-Supported Bridges: Implant-supported bridges replace two or more adjacent teeth with beautifully natural results. They are secured to crowns placed on dental implants on either side of the gap, unlike traditional bridges that rely on existing teeth for support. 

Implant-Supported Overdentures: Implant-supported dentures draw on the benefits of traditional dentures and implant dentistry. They are secured to a number of implants strategically placed in your jawbone, delivering exceptional comfort, stability, and durability. 

Implant-Supported Fixed Hybrid Dentures: Also known as All-on-4s, fixed hybrid dentures rely on as few as four dental implants to support a complete set of teeth. The entire procedure can take just one appointment, leaving you with a stunning smile transformation. 

Which Tooth Replacement Option Is Right for You?

The type of tooth replacement right for you will depend on different factors, including the location and number of missing teeth, the quality of bone in the area, and your personal preferences. Dr. Huang will evaluate your unique needs and discuss the benefits of each tooth replacement option. He will help you determine the ideal tooth replacement solution to restore your smile and enhance your quality of life. 

Missing Teeth Replacements Near Me

If you are looking for solutions to replace one or more missing teeth, contact Santa Teresa Dental in Morgan Hill, CA, to schedule a consultation. Dr. Huang and his team are committed to providing the highest quality restorations using the latest technology and techniques. We look forward to getting you back in a complete, healthy, and functional smile. Call us at 408-782-6568 to schedule your appointment, or request one online today!