Teeth Whitening or Veneers: Which One Is Right for Me?

Teeth Whitening or Veneers: Which One Is Right for Me?

If you are in search of a solution to whiten and brighten your smile, Santa Teresa Dental is here to help. We are pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including teeth whitening and dental veneers, to transform dull, discolored teeth into white, sparkling smiles. The question is, which procedure is right for you?

Zoom Teeth Whitening – An Overview

Santa Teresa Dental is pleased to offer Zoom Teeth Whitening to virtually erase years of stains and discoloration, revealing a smile up to eight shades whiter and brighter in just one office visit! The proprietary technology is ideal for teeth staining resulting from aging, years of exposure to foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, and berries, and using tobacco products.

We will start with a professional dental cleaning to remove plaque, tartar, and surface tooth stains. Next, we will place a protective shield over your gums and lips and apply the Zoom whitening gel to your tooth surfaces. The innovative Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp activates the hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, accelerating and enhancing the bleaching process. As the whitening gel breaks down, oxygen lifts stubborn stains off the enamel and dentin layers without harming your natural tooth structure. 

If you would rather whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home, we are happy to provide you with custom whitening trays and Zoom whitening gel. At-home whitening can take 9 to 18 days to whiten and brighten your smile. 

Porcelain Veneers: An Overview

Dental veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells we place over the front surfaces of not-so-perfect teeth to improve their color, shape, size, length, or overall appearance. These versatile restorations are usually used for cosmetic purposes. However, they can also repair chipped, worn, or otherwise damaged teeth, improving their health and restoring their function. We can place porcelain veneers on one or several teeth, depending on your unique needs. 

Veneers are ideal for various dental problems, including severely stained, discolored, chipped, cracked, worn, uneven, misaligned, or irregularly shaped teeth. They can also close small gaps between teeth and protect teeth with damaged enamel. Candidates for dental veneers must be free of tooth decay and gum disease. We may recommend gum treatment or restorative care, if needed, before your smile transformation. 

The porcelain veneers procedure begins with a comprehensive smile evaluation. Dr. Huang will consider your teeth and facial structure to create a symmetrical smile. A wax preview and computerized smile model will allow you to customize the size, shape, and brightness of your veneers. When your new veneers are ready, you’ll wear them for a week to make sure you love them before we cement them in place, leaving you with a new, winning smile. 

Teeth Whitening or Porcelain Veneers – Which One Is Right for You?

Your ideal cosmetic dental treatment will depend on your unique needs and personal preferences. In general, patients looking to brighten multiple teeth that aren’t as white and bright as they’d like prefer Zoom whitening. This cost-effective treatment can restore your smile’s sparkle, providing stunning and long-lasting results.

Veneers are more costly than teeth whitening but can address several concerns simultaneously. They offer remarkable durability, lasting many years with proper care. Dental veneers may be a better option if you want to whiten your teeth and correct problems like chips, wear, gaps, or other flaws. They also work well for patients who react to whitening agents like peroxide or those with highly sensitive teeth.

The best way to determine the cosmetic dentistry solution that’s ideal for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Huang. He will recommend the most effective solution to transform your smile based on your unique needs and preferences. 

Zoom Teeth Whitening and Dental Veneers Near Me

If you are looking for solutions to improve the appearance of your smile, contact Santa Teresa Dental in Morgan Hill, CA, to schedule a consultation. Dr. Huang and his team will work with you to create a smile you love. Call us at 408-782-6568 to schedule your appointment, or request one online today!